Ropes Course Attendance Adjustment

Intern teams will need to manage attendance for the Ropes Course.  Depending on when your particular ropes course day falls, this may require a little extra work.
Since we don't have the ability to exclude students from attendance for a day (Main Session or AMT's say), the system expects them to be in school. This means you will need to edit the attendance for each "class" that a student was assigned for.
To change attendance for your RG:
  1. Open up the Mass edit attendance page for the Main Session class
  2. This displays ALL students for the year selected.  Scroll down the list and check everyone in your RG who Attended
  3. Click on Edit Attendance, and change the attendance all at once.

I've found in practice the easiest way to do this is with 2 people with 2 computers.  One reads out the name (in alphabetical order) of your RG, and the other scrolls down the Main Session class checking off everyone.  This should take less than 5 minutes to complete the task this way.

If your RG had AMT's as well on your Ropes Course day, this will take a little longer to edit and is best done via the Attendance Overview page editing one student at a time.  

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