Reference Help

From time to time, some referees have difficulty submitting a reference for one of our applicants.  Here's are the top reasons why and how to fix them.

# Problem What to do about it...
1 The browser used to submit the reference may be out of date.  You can check which version you have using the website.  
MyBSSM supports the following browsers: 
    - Internet Explorer 10.0 
    - Firefox 37.0 
    - Safari 5.1.7 (Windows) 
    - Safari 7.0 (Mac) 
    - Chrome 42.0.2311
Update your browser to the latest version by visiting the manufacturers website. Alternatively,

1. Go to
2. Click on the Update Now button
2 Missing fields can cause the reference form to not submit. If you don't see the "Reference successfully submitted" message, then review each of your answers to see if there is a missing field.
3 Mobile devices don't always work with MyBSSM. Try submitting the reference from a desktop or laptop computer.
4 Someone else has already submitted the reference. If an applicant changes a reference after initial submission - the previous referee may already have completed by the time the new reference attempts to complete it.

Unable to select a "region"

The "region" selector only becomes active once you have selected a country.  Select a country first, and you will then be able to select the region you need.

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